A Day for Christian Captives

 Remember prisoners as if you were in prison with them & people who are mistreated as if you were in their place.

 Remember prisoners as if you were in prison with them & people who are mistreated as if you were in their place.

Hebrews 13:3

On June 23, 2024, join believers across Canada for a day of prayer for Christian captives in places where faith costs the most.

Across the world many of our brothers and sisters are being imprisoned or held captive for their faith in Jesus.

According to the Open Doors 2024 World Watch List research, last year 4,125 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced and imprisoned because of their faith. Another 3,906 Christians were abducted. And these are just the cases we know about.

The One With Them Campaign from Open Doors Canada encourages us to pause, remember and pray for our brothers and sisters who are in captivity because they choose to follow Jesus. Join us, and add your voice to thousands of Canadians marking One With Them: A day for Christian captives.

During the month of June, Open Doors Canada will be sharing stories, prayer requests and hosting a special online event – all focused on Christian captives. All of this will culminate on One With Them Sunday when we will stand united in prayer for our brothers and sisters who share our faith but not our freedom.

On June 23, 2024, join believers across Canada for a day of prayer for Christian captives in places where faith costs the most.

On June 23, 2024, join believers across Canada for a day of prayer for Christian captives in places where faith costs the most

Across the world many of our brothers and sisters are being imprisoned or held captive for their faith in Jesus.

According to the Open Doors 2024 World Watch List research, last year 4,125 Christians were detained without trial, arrested, sentenced and imprisoned because of their faith. Another 3,906 Christians were abducted. And these are just the cases we know about.

The One With Them Campaign from Open Doors Canada encourages us to pause, remember and pray for our brothers and sisters who are in captivity because they choose to follow Jesus. Join us, and add your voice to thousands of Canadians marking One With Them: A day for Christian captives.

During the month of June, Open Doors Canada will be sharing stories, prayer requests and hosting a special online event – all focused on Christian captives. All of this will culminate on One With Them Sunday when we will stand united in prayer for our brothers and sisters who share our faith but not our freedom.


Help fill the rooms of Christian captives with words of encouragement, hope and faith.


Get your One With Them toolkit, including graphics, sermon outlines, prayer resources, and more.


Help fill the rooms of Christian captives with words of encouragement, hope and faith.

read stories of christian captives

The number one request of persecuted Christians is prayer. Read their stories and pray for our brothers and sisters who share our faith, but not our freedom.

Healing from Persecution

Mary’s abduction by Fulani extremists threatened to ruin her life and destroy her faith. But your prayers rescued this young Nigerian woman and her family.

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